Sunday, July 23, 2006

Assessment of enGuage

About this Project
This project was created on July 5, 2006 for my Computers in the Classroom, Part 3, course. The project is called "EnGauge Online Assessment & Reports." It's a report or analysis about EnGauge's online assessment tool for educators, administrators and students.

Teaching Standards Addressed
Professional Knowledge
I learned about an on-line assessment tool for educators and students then analysed it. I found this a great way to illustrate my professional knowledge about assessment tools and made me carefully consider how and if I would consider using this assessment tool with my class or school.

This assignment was important in helping me consider the types of assessments to use with my students.

I learned the following skills from this project:

Personal Reactions
I found learning about the different types of assessment tools for teachers and students was valuable. I have never used an on-line survey to help plan teaching ICT but, can see how I might in future.

Professional Growth Goals for Learning
I would like to learn about other assessment tools and possibly apply them to my teaching.

Below is my project...

EnGauge Online Assessment & Reports

Describe how you would apply this instrument in your school or school district.

I would apply the enGauge Online Assessment and reports in a variety of ways:
  1. With the assistance of school staff and administrators, decide how best to use or implement the survey (school-wide or only for certain classes and teachers e.g., junior grades) and decide on budgeting for the survey ($2 a survey for students).
  2. Students would answer the student survey. I would try the survey with my own class (Kindergarten and Gr. 1) – possibly making a lesson out of it, using the results to teach with (in terms of long term planning), assisting with integration of subject material/curriculum. Other teachers would do the same.
  3. Along with the other teaching staff, I would take the educator survey to assess my own computer literacy. Administrators could take the educator survey or one of the administrator surveys.
  4. Interested community members and/or parents would take the parent and/or community member surveys.
  5. With my school team, implement or improve on a school-wide technology plan for the upcoming current school year or future years based on the results of the student, educator, administrator and parent/community member surveys and reports.
  6. Plan with administrators and other staff to use the results in a beneficial way to plan ICT usage for next year that meets the students needs according to the survey results (further improving the technology plan)
    a)do educators need training?
    b) does the school need to order programs that encourage higher order thinking?
    c) are basic computer skills the current focus and does the school staffs thinking around computer use in the school need to change?
    d) Is the Ontario curriculum a focus?What part(s) of the instrument would you use and why? Who would be the target groups and why?

How would you use the results of the assessment?

I would use the surveys that relate to the educator, student, parent and community member role.As an educator, the educator survey would provide the most benefit to me personally as a teacher. I can take the survey to assess my knowledge of ICT and my current usage of technology with my students. For instance, am I keeping in mind the school’s technology vision? Is there a technology plan for my school? How am I teaching it? Using higher order thinking or simply focusing on typing skills? How am I going to change my teaching to ensure I meet the technology vision? I can then make improvements based on how I answered the survey.

It’s a good survey to use with other staff to compare results and see who has been using computer technology within the classroom to teach higher order skills. Depending on the staff, this information could be shared and used to create workshops to teach and assist those teachers who are interested in using computer technology as a teaching tool that focuses on further developing those higher order skills (e.g., within the Ontario curriculum, in your long term lesson plans).

As well, the school can find “computer experts” who are proficient in web-page creation, on-line communication etc. These experts can provide lunch time workshops, as an example, to interested staff.Specific sections within the educator survey focus on different aspects of teaching and technology, e.g., technology vision, classroom environment, planning and design.

Depending on what the educators focus for the school year, different sections will be more relevant than others. As a fifth year teacher, I am still trying to find my niche. I would be interested in the sections of the survey that show how I am teaching computers and whether I am meeting my school’s technology goals. Once I had completed the survey and looked at the results, I may have a better understanding of whether I am meeting those goals. By examining the results of the student survey, I’ll have an idea if I am meeting their needs. If I found that I was using the computer mainly as a reward system for students to play games, then I may be interested in speaking to other teachers who are using the computer as a real teaching tool.

With the students in my class, I may attempt the survey (Kindergarten and Grade 1 students may have a difficult time answering the wordy survey, so I would make my own that would be easier for them to understand – e.g., less words, more pictures, on overhead projector and answer together as a group to get a general idea).

The survey results from students would give me an idea of what the students are expecting from me and if I am meeting their needs.The parent and community member surveys would be beneficial for me to use as a tool to measure equity – are the games fair for everyone? Does everyone get some time on the computer? Am I meeting students special needs? How aware are parents of the technology vision?Depending on the results from the parent/community member survey, I would find out if parents feel that I am treating their children fairly in terms of time spent on the computer, if the games are relevant for all the different students in the class (e.g., games that both boys and girls would like to play).

Also, it would be important to find out if I am keeping students needs in mind and using computer programs that everyone, keeping everyone’s abilities (whether Special Needs, ESL etc.) in mind.If the survey results showed I was being unfair in some way, I could brainstorm with my colleagues and make changes to my programming and make sure everyone is treated equally. If parents were not aware of the technology vision, perhaps creating a school newsletter would be enough to make everyone aware and feel part of the school community.

Once all the different surveys were complete, a school-wide technology plan could be make and/or improved upon.

Reflections on the value of this assessment

This assessment would be valuable to educators to learn about their own ICT teaching methods and how it affects students and parents. Certain sections of the survey are more relevant than others, depending on where teachers are in their careers. A new teacher may focus on the classroom environment and teaching the technology curriculum to students. Whereas a more experienced teacher may want to know about the planning and design or keeping up-to-date with the changing technology.

The results from the survey would reflect those differences in a teacher’s career. The final survey results, in the forms of reports, would be valuable to develop goals for a technology plan for the school that addresses the students needs.

Learning Over Broadband Networks

About this Project
This project was created for my Computers in the Classroom, Part 3, course on July 10, 2006. It's called, "The Global Classroom - Learning Over Broadband Networks." It's purpose is to be used as an educational workshop about broadband networks in education.

Teaching Standards Addressed
Leadership in Learning Communities
This project is, in a sense, about one learning community - the Internet. Broadband networks play a huge role in making the Internet community run smoothly and efficiently. By learning about broadband networks and teaching others, hopefully broadband networks will continue to be used in a safe and effective manner.

Care, Trust and Ongoing Professional Learning
I learned a great deal of information on broadband networks through creating this presentation. This will assist my teaching in the future and remind me to try and continue learning about ever-changing technology. In continuing to learn about new technologies, I am showing care to my students - learning is important to me and hopefully that will pass on to my students. Students learn to trust teachers who continue to educate themselves and act as good role models within the community.

This project helped me carefully consider how to present my information on broadband networks. There was a lot of useful and overwhelming information that needed to be synthesized and presented in an easy to understand format. I wanted younger students to be able to read and understand my presentation.

I learned the following skills from this project:
-how to synthesize information and present in an easy-to-read and comprehend format
-new skills using PowerPoint (importing graphics)

Personal Reactions
I was initially overwhelmed by the tech lingo when researching broadband networks. I found just to understand what they were, I needed to research many web sites. As a result of my experience, I worked hard to create something that students and other teachers would find useful.

Professional Growth Goals for Learning
I hope to apply what I have learned in creating this presentation and create new workshops.

Below is my project...

ICT Leaders Comparison

About this Project
This project was created on July 12, 2006 for my Computers in the Classroom, Part 3 course. It's called "ICT Leaders - A Comparison." It's a blog comparing 6 successful ICT Leaders in education.

Teaching Standards Addressed
Committment to Students and Student Learning
As an educator learning about other successful educators, this assignment was beneficial in giving me the experience to research as I expect my students should. I used a variety of resources to gather my research and gave a brief synopsis on each leader.

Professional Knowledge
Each ICT leader had a wide range of skills and successes. Their stories inspire me to be a better teacher and use their knowledge in a way that will benefit my teaching students effectively.

It is important to learn about others who are in similar professions because their stories are often inspirational. Their successes show others that it is possible to succeed with hard work and effort. This project showed me how I can try to be a successful ICT Leader in Education one day.

I learned the following skills from this project
-ICT leadership skills e.g., organization, creativity
-factual information about 6 important ICT leaders
-how to create a blog

Personal Reactions
This project showed me how easy it is to create a web page and post it for free on the Internet. I am really thrilled to try this out with my students next year.

Professional Growth Goals for Learning
I intend to continue blogging and improve my skills so that I can keep up-to-date with technology and teach my students the new skills.

Below is my project...

Kid Pix and Kindergarten Workshop

About this Project:
This project was created on July 17, 2006 for my Computers in the Classroom, Part 3, course. It's called, "Kid Pix and Kindergarten." It's a Power Point presentation designed as a workshop for Kindergarten teachers on how to best use Kid Pix to integrate curriculum expectations.

Teaching Standards Addressed
Care and Integrity
The goal of the workshop is to utilize Kid Pix in Kindergarten as a tool that can be used effectively to teach expectations instead of just teaching typing/basic computer skills. There are many ways of teaching higher order skills using the program and this shows that teachers are illustrating care and using their resources, skills and knowledge in creating lessons for students.

Ongoing Professional Development
By using the skills learned in the workshop, teachers are further enhancing their technical expertise (learning a new program) and their teaching skills by learning about how to use the program as an educational tool.

This project is important as a useful workshop for teachers to learn about all the creative ways that Kid Pix can be used to teach stimulating and exciting lessons that cover many curriculum expectations.

I learned the following skills from this project:
-new techniques in PowerPoint
-learned to create exciting lessons using Kid Pix
-how to create a teaching workshop (leadership skills)

Personal Reactions
This project was a great way to develop leadership skills that I can use next year. I have been on maternity leave the past year. Going back to teach in September, I will feel more confident about creating workshops and working with my colleagues as a result.

Professional Growth Goals for Learning
I hope to use this workshop either exactly as developed with my colleagues next year or as a template to create new ones.

Below is my project...

Internet Based Curriculum Project

About this Project:
My Internet based curriculum project is called, "Blogging Books Between Classes." It was created on July 20th, 2006 for my Computers in the Classroom Part 3 course.

Teaching Standards Addressed:
1. Committment to students and student learning

-students are treated fairly and respectfully with all assignments including the current project. The project is flexible and time extensions or other modifications can be made if a student needs some extra time because of a personal matter or other difficulty with completing the assignment.

2. Professional Practise and Ongoing Professional Learning
-a variety of skills learned in my Computers in the Classroom, Parts 1-3, classes have been used in developing this project. I used this knowledge that I have learned in a way to improve student learning using ICT.

This project plays an important role in using the Internet as an educational tool. It allows students and teachers of different grade levels to work collaboratively in creating a web site that others will find useful.

I learned the following skills from this project:
-creating outlines for Internet based curriculum projects through reading a variety of resources (e.g., sample outlines) available on the Internet
-how to create an Internet based curriculum project and the amount of work and effort in designing one
-integrating a variety of subjects using ICT as a tool to teach expectations effectively from the Ontario curriculum

Personal Reactions
This assignment taught me how to use the Internet in another fun, creative way with my class. It allows students to work creatively on their own and with another student. The project will empower them as others read and learn from their creativity.

Professional Growth Goals for Learning
I am excited to use this project with my class next year. Once the web site has been created, I will make changes based on feedback from the students and self-assessment. Other classes could be added to the project (Grades 3 and 4 partnering for instance). This project will assist me in creating others similar to it.

Below is the project...

Project Leader’s Name: Rachel Harnett

Blogging Books Between Classes (For the Emergent Reader)

Learning Outcomes
-use different resources (library, Internet, e-mail) to research topic for story
-use Kid Pix, and possibly other programs/technologies to write and/or illustrate an on-line story
-create a web site working co-operatively with other students

Detailed Description
Students in Kindergarten and Grade 1 will be working together to write and illustrate their own books to be published on Each book will be it’s own post on Students can re-read the books on-line at their leisure and share their stories with others. The books are a way to encourage emergent readers and writers to further develop skills learned in class e.g., decoding.

To begin, Grade 1 students will choose a topic to write about based on the Grade 1 Social Studies curriculum (Relationships, Rules and Responsibilities or Canada and World Connections) or Science curriculum (e.g., Energy in Our Lives, Everyday Structures). These choices will be made available to students on-line via class web site with links to resources. Students will research their chosen topic in the library, on the Internet or e-mail with other Grade 1 students for suggestions. Once their topic has been chosen and approved by their teacher, students will write a story in Kid Pix.

A variety of writing skills can be focused on in individual class lessons prior to this writing experience to better prepare students for this project. Some examples of helpful prior knowledge include brainstorming, proper sentence format and research skills and data collection.

The stories can be written in many programs for this project to work. I will focus on using Kid Pix. Students will write a story on their chosen topic using Kid Pix, leaving a large portion of the page blank for a Kindergarten student to paint/draw/stamp (illustrate).

Grade 1 classes may try this activity initially with another Kindergarten class within the school. Once the teacher and class are ready, the project can be expanded to include classes from other provinces/countries.

Each Grade 1 student is to attempt to communicate with their Kindergarten partner – whether through e-mail, telephone, conference call, video conference – to discuss the book. The Grade 1 student can read the story to the Kindergarten student and act as a mentor.

Each story will be given to a Kindergarten student to illustrate. The Kindergarten student will practice sequencing by putting the pages in order before illustrating. Using Kid Pix, Kindergarten students will illustrate each page of the story using the paint, draw and stamp tools. Once each story has been completed, the teacher can work one-on-one with each student to assist with revising and editing their stories. The final revision will be posted to (as a picture file).

Other Alternatives to Kid Pix:
-text can be e-mailed via attachments to partner schools (as html, Kid Pix file etc.)
-Kindergarten students can:
-illustrate on paper and the completed book can be scanned, then posted to
-use Hyperstudio, PowerPoint or Word and import graphics or pictures

On a Personal Note…
When all the stories are completed and posted to, I would like to level the books and use them as a resource in my Reading Recovery program. It’s another way for students to read at home – by themselves, with an older sibling, their parents – all they need is access to a computer with Internet.

Exceptional Students
-can be paired with a buddy
-use Kid Pix and letter stamp stories and/or stamp their illustrations
-tell the story orally, while another student types
-write more than one story
-some Kindergarten students may want to do both - write and illustrate - while others may want to try writing a story while a Grade 1 student in another class illustrates

Further Collaboration/Teamwork
-project could include older students (Gr. 4-6) in junior grades to level the stories
-these leveled on-line books could be used as guided reading texts and they would be available on-line (for the entire school, school board to read)!

Project Timeline
-Term 2 (3 months) possibly overlapping into Term 3
-this would allow for 1-2 computer classes in the computer lab and individual time in class, as well as, time to research in the library and as homework at home
-by beginning in Term 2, the teachers will be given some time to set up and teach essential skills (term 1) prior to the start of the project

Curriculum Relevancy
Subject Areas: Language Arts, Social Studies and Science and Technology
Grade Level: K, 1

Links to Curriculum
-technology education, Language, Social Studies, Science
-early computer skills, reading and writing skills, on-line collaboration, mentoring

Curriculum Expectations met through the project
-some or all of the following expectations may be addressed through the Kindergarten students illustrations & publishing to

Personal and Social Development
Awareness of Surroundings
-identify people who work in the community, and talk about what they do
-recognize special places and buildings within the community, both natural and human-made, and talk about their functions

Overall Expectations
-communicate by talking and by listening and speaking to others for a variety of purposes and in a variety of contexts
-demonstrate understanding and critical awareness of a variety of written materials that are read by and with the teacher
-use reading strategies that are appropriate for beginning readers in order to make sense of a variety of written materials

The Arts
Visual Arts
-demonstrate an awareness of personal interests and a sense of accomplishment in visual arts
-explore a variety of tools, materials and processes of their own choice to create visual art forms in familiar and new ways
-explore different elements of design in visual arts
-use or demonstrate understanding of vocabulary related to visual arts in informal conversations and in discussions about their learning
-communicate their understanding of something by representing their ideas and feelings through visual art

Grade 1
Overall Expectations
-communicate ideas for specific purposes
-organize information so that the writing conveys a clear message
-write simple sentences using proper punctuation
-produce short pieces of writing using simple forms
-use some materials from other media
-begin to revise written work, with the assistance of the teacher
-use and spell correctly the vocabulary appropriate for this grade level
-use correctly the conventions specified for this grade level

Social Studies
-one or more of the expectations from the Grade 1 Social Studies curriculum could be met depending on the detail of the story and which strand the student has chosen to focus on (Relationships, Rules and Responsibilities or The Local Community)

Science and Technology
-one or more of the expectations from the Grade 1 Science and Technology curriculum could be met through this project depending on the detail of the story and which strand the student has chosen to focus on (Characteristics and Needs of Living Things, Characteristics of Objects and Properties of Materials, Energy in Our Lives, Everyday Structures or Daily and Seasonal Cycles).

Number of Schools/Classes to be Involved
-a Grade 1 class paired with a Kindergarten class (approx. 40 students)
-2 classroom teachers

-self-assessment checklist
-rubric for marking final product
-post on (summative evaluation)
-stories would be available over the Internet for other classes worldwide

ICT Skills Students Will Use
-word processing
-importing picture files
-video conferencing
-video files
-Kid Pix, Hyperstudio, PowerPoint, MS Word applications

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