Sunday, July 23, 2006

Kid Pix and Kindergarten Workshop

About this Project:
This project was created on July 17, 2006 for my Computers in the Classroom, Part 3, course. It's called, "Kid Pix and Kindergarten." It's a Power Point presentation designed as a workshop for Kindergarten teachers on how to best use Kid Pix to integrate curriculum expectations.

Teaching Standards Addressed
Care and Integrity
The goal of the workshop is to utilize Kid Pix in Kindergarten as a tool that can be used effectively to teach expectations instead of just teaching typing/basic computer skills. There are many ways of teaching higher order skills using the program and this shows that teachers are illustrating care and using their resources, skills and knowledge in creating lessons for students.

Ongoing Professional Development
By using the skills learned in the workshop, teachers are further enhancing their technical expertise (learning a new program) and their teaching skills by learning about how to use the program as an educational tool.

This project is important as a useful workshop for teachers to learn about all the creative ways that Kid Pix can be used to teach stimulating and exciting lessons that cover many curriculum expectations.

I learned the following skills from this project:
-new techniques in PowerPoint
-learned to create exciting lessons using Kid Pix
-how to create a teaching workshop (leadership skills)

Personal Reactions
This project was a great way to develop leadership skills that I can use next year. I have been on maternity leave the past year. Going back to teach in September, I will feel more confident about creating workshops and working with my colleagues as a result.

Professional Growth Goals for Learning
I hope to use this workshop either exactly as developed with my colleagues next year or as a template to create new ones.

Below is my project...


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